Why the ocean is good for your health. Specifically, why it’s good for skin conditions like Eczema and Psoriasis.
Let’s start with the ocean breeze according to Lung Institute in Florida just by breathing in the air you can improve lung function, and decrease sinus pressure. Not only that sea air accelerates the ability to absorb oxygen due to the negative ions that is found in sea air.
When your body can absorb more oxygen, it will in turn increase blood circulation. This will speed up the process of recuperating the skin such as wounds. Both Eczema and Psoriasis are like wounds on the skin due to the increase inflammation and the scratches that occur after relieving an itch.
So, is it good to swim in the ocean when you have a flare up?
Yes! it will help you recover quickly. Now let us discuss the healing benefits of ocean water.
Ocean water contains Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfate, Potassium, as well as dissolved gasses, including Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Dioxide.
What exactly does all that mean?
The ocean has the power to absorb toxins out of your body and remove any bacteria that is on your skin. Eczema often times at its worse runs the risk of getting infected if not thoroughly washed everyday. By just swimming in the ocean you are able to remove these toxins and help your body to go into “healing mode” quickly.
Not only is the ocean water good for your skin but the sand you walk on also helps you. By relaxing your muscles you are able to calm your mind. Your mind is very powerful when under stress it can trigger your eczema no matter how perfect your diet or conditions are.
EXFOLIATION: Helps stimulate blood flow and the lymphatic system. Sand exfoliates your feet and your skin and can be used to help aid your body in the shedding of dead skin.
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“The Health Benefits of Ocean Air.” Lung Institute, 20 July 2017, lunginstitute.com/blog/breathing-in-ocean-air/.
January 9, 2019 @ 9:58 pm
go yara