How Long Would You Fight For A Dream?
I’m frustrated with myself. I feel like I keep punching the same bag everyday. I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting for my health and for my dream yet I continue to do so. I often think will no one ever hear what I have to say? Will people keep abusing their influence to promote things that are unimportant or harmful. Promoting freaking Red Bull’s and caffeine pumped powders in the fitness world. We live in such a fake world.
I just want to be able to open the eyes to the world with my impact. Yet I feel so small right now. Many of us live such privileged lives. The reason why I work hard is I know they are so many starving creatives, artisans, organic farmers in El Salvador right now and I want to one day help them get on their own feet. This is why I study digital marketing it is my fuel to one day provide others especially the country that helped me pick up broken pieces of myself.
I don’t care what car I drive or how big the house or apartment is that I live in.
All I care about is maintaining my health and providing others a sustainable lifestyle. To have time to make new friends and connections with others. To be able to just sit out in the sun and not worry about whether or not I’ll have enough to pay rent or food at the end of the month let alone medical bills. Unfortunately as right now I feel I am under survival mode just trying to maintain my stress level at the same time trying to chase ambition. Trying to maintain my skin and unsure of the future. You see I have a vision for myself I just hope I can achieve it on time. Probably shouldn’t mention a time slot or else I’m going to have anxiety over that.
Photo Creds Insta: @dinh_henry