Texas Weather Versus Eczema
At this point, I am honestly tired. Straight up tired of trying to find an alternative medicine/diet that can help me live in Texas without being in pain. I Haven’t been able to find a good holistic doctor in Texas. I have tried Homeopathy in Texas, and it didn’t help. Elimination, Vegan, Paleo I’ve tried it all in 6-month increments and I’m still the same. I have still maintained a relatively healthy diet not quite vegan but nowhere near the western diet. I avoid my trigger foods and juice every day. So I know now that my solution is maintaining my mental health and weather. Unfortunately, I have no control over the weather in Texas. The climate that seems to help my eczema clear up is sunny humid tropical beach weather. Yay! Always the most expensive places to live.
I know some people that their eczema gets clear in winter months the solution to that would be to move to Canada or Alaska. Many of the countries with the lowest unemployment rates and the highest pay in jobs have cold climate. I guess I’m just frustrated that I’m tied down to Texas. I want to live in El Salvador as crazy that may seem to some. If not my next closest place weather wise would be Cancun or Hawaii. Since living in Hawaii may be outrageously scary in price Cancun is my next best bet. So now I run into something frustrating, I can’t just move to Cancun with no job or degree. I also can’t go to school to these places because of out of state tuition, or in Cancun case would be that the degree wouldn’t transfer to the US.
Trapped one word that expresses how I feel. So I’m here in Texas to finish this degree. praying for it to be over. Tolerating my flare-ups in the hopes of a degree to finally be able to actually live.
All I want in life is not a nice car or a huge house or top position in a mega-company. What I want is to have clear skin, a nice tan, and the ability to go to the beach every day. To have enough money to pay for my picky food lists due to my stupid allergies. To have money to pay for a holistic doctor to help me if I do end up getting an occasional flare up. In order to afford all this, I pretty much need that degree, or an online business.
I’ am angry that I even have to deal with this stupid condition. Mostly mad at the lack of help people who suffer like me have. It’s to the point that I no longer trust doctors especially the ones here in the US. The medical system is just messed up here. Doctors don’t even spend that much time examining just look at your chart and send you off with steroids. Maybe I should just become a holistic doctor and help myself cause this is just ridiculous. I want to actually help people not just get a check. Currently, I am studying to get a Marketing degree in the hopes of getting a job near a beach or make passive income online if I can figure out the hoops I need to jump over.
Ps: I am depressed